Sunday, August 2, 2009

If you just smell pot will it show up on a hair follicle test?

also will opiates show up on a hair follicle test, if so how far back does it go??

If you just smell pot will it show up on a hair follicle test?

NO!!! smelling pot or even being in a room with people smoking pot will not make it show up on a drug do i know? simple i have a degree in law enforcement and i handle the drug screening for my unit in the U.S. Marines. in order to get enough in your system just from being around pot smokers youwould have to be in an inclosed area that was so full of the smoke that you could barely breath any way...i.e. a car with 6 people in it and the windows rolled up and you are the only one with out a joint or pipe in your hand for about an hour.

If you just smell pot will it show up on a hair follicle test?

YES! The active ingredient in cannabis - THC - is present in the smoke given off as it burns. Inhaling the smoke - which is what you do if you either ACTUALLY smoke a "joint" or just inhale the smoke from one - is like smoking the "joint" itself.

Usually drugs show in a hair test as far back as 30 days.

If you just smell pot will it show up on a hair follicle test?

no it wont. That other guy that answered is on crack trust me on that!!!!!!!!

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