at first i thought the first one was a mole, but then when i looked closer it looked like a nipple... the next day, i found another.. they're around the inside of his hind thigh.....??? i didn't know boars had nipples too??? and whats up with them getting darker and the hair thinning... could he be a she? a prego she at that?
My guinea pig just had two nipples show up in the past few days.... the hair around them has thinned too??
All male mammals have nipples - same number as their female counterparts - just because a boy has nipples doesn't mean that he's potentially a pregnant female! My dogs nipples go all the way down to his thighs. Sexual maturation will cause them to change size and shape. I have an odd feeling that you just didn't notice these before, and they didn't just grow in the past few days.
My guinea pig just had two nipples show up in the past few days.... the hair around them has thinned too??
My guinea pig just had two nipples show up in the past few days.... the hair around them has thinned too??
Sorry, but did they arrive in mail? How old is the guy? could he still be growing? Have someone sex him again, and he could be a she.
It's a trait for all mammals, to have nipples on males and females.
Call a vet for info and more advice. Hope everything is ok.
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